Strategies and Tactics for Dealing with the Australian Public
By John Harper
Pillar One of Nationalist Alternative – “The struggle for the street”
"Extra parliamentary action, grass-roots community work that engenders a positive image, local issues, working ‘outside’ the liberal democratic state.”– Manifesto 2
We are finding a large interest for real change in this country, beyond what the Liberal Democrats of either the ‘left’ (ALP, Greens) or ‘right’ (Liberal Party – Abbot and his reformed neo-con Howard buddies) variety can ever offer. The major parties only offer more of the same. Australians are yearning for real action, real change, for a party and/or organisation that actually do represent their interests.
Nationalist Alternative’s “Struggle for the Street” begins with local activism as shown in the below photographs.

Some of our outreach methods (Pillar 1) include;
- Leaflet and sticker drops with location dependant on the particular message/campaign
- Campaign for student rights
- The rental crisis major capital cities, particularly Melbourne and Sydney Universities
- Public information tables (containing leaflets, stickers, books, business cards and other future merchandise)
- Face to face discussions with the community
- Guerrilla marketing whether it be temporary banners over major freeways or other items coming up
- Attendance at demonstrations and protests
- Joining and aiding existing community campaigns for real democracy such as the opposition to the Newport mosque development in Melbourne
- Numerous social events amongst the networks we build
- Our emphasis on members/supporters to individually be calm and reasoned advocates of nationalism anywhere possible; workplaces, social events, family home, places of worship, hobby and sporting groups, business and professional conferences.
Leaflet tables are now starting to be a regular part of our activism. Various activists set up basic displays near high traffic areas to interact with the Australian public to discuss issues of national importance. Such topics often do not find a platform anywhere else due to State oppression and media blackouts.
Nationalist Alternative has conducted several ongoing sticker and leaflet campaigns in Sydney, Melbourne, Queensland and Western Australia around issues such as water scarcity and student rights which are two issues highlighted on our sticker range.
Nationalist Alternative is involved in the ongoing struggle for the rights for Australian students wishing to further their education at Uni or TAFE. We recognise the value of a unified student body fighting on issues of a broader national scope as a force for positive change. We are one of the few organisations brave enough to state “Put Local Students First!”.
We do not support the selling out of our teaching standards as an export, nor should citizenship be an export! Where other parties and student bodies are more interested in the welfare of niche groups and internationals, Nationalist Alternative is unequivocal in putting local students first. A sentiment which is strangely lacking elsewhere.
Below are some pictures of activism, highlighting the methods used to place stickers. An extension pole can be used for high placement of material. This makes it harder for our oppressors to remove them.
Student issues Nationalist Alternative is involved with include;
- Increasing HECS bills
- Not enough University / TAFE positions despite Australia facing a so called skill shortage
- The use of universities/TAFE/Private College’s as VISA factories where foreign students select any course to simply build the ‘points’ to then achieve permanent residency
- Overcrowded tutorial and lecture theatres as evidence to the production line mentality of university administrations
- Blurring the line between tertiary institutions as national pillars of free thinking and blue sky learning versus increasing corporate pressure to tailor ‘output’ to a pre-defined set of parameters suitable only for entry level into their organisations
- Gradual decline in universities being truly independent and outstanding centres of higher learning and unfortunate growth in corporations like the NAB and McDonalds developing their own academies complete with co-option of titles like ‘Dean’.
- Lack of affordable inner city housing for students, young apprentices and most of the Australian working and middle classes in almost every Australian capital city.
- Low wages and the high start up expenses for apprentices, the lifeblood of Australian industry
- Marginalisation of young Australians in the struggle for increasingly scarce resources, including accommodation and casual work.
- The need for more vocational pathways for high school students inclined to a non- university option

Pillar 2 of Nationalist Alternative – “The Struggle for the Mind”
Acting as a ‘Think-Tank’: insightful cutting articles, and the dissemination of material in any form that de-institutionalizes and breaks the chains of existing liberal/Marxist/Imperialist/Neocon/universalist beliefs, norms, and values, and establish new forms that spearhead nationalist, particularist and ethnic identity” – Manifesto 2
How do we do it?
Political activism is useful if it serves the greater goal of sparking interest and intellectual curiosity on issues and at some future time, real action to bring results.
Changing mindsets is a long hard struggle and success is not measured in days or months or even years, curiosity sparked by activism of some sort is akin to planting a seed that may bear fruit immediately for some and 2 years later for others.
What it takes to “spark the curiosity” of any given individual widely varies.
Hence the numerous publicity methods outlined in the first section (Pillar 1) above are tools we use to bring immediate attention to viewpoints and truths otherwise obscured, outright suppressed or not given an opportunity to be discussed in any mainstream outlet.
Activism delivers ‘interested parties’ to our website and contact points. From here there are 2 further broad categories which enable exploration of ideas to continue.
Written information, facts and figures and Face to Face: the ability to further converse/engage in and leverage your self up through our personal networks.
Our frequent articles discuss the same issues but in greater depth and persuasion including confronting common liberal criticisms/arguments head-on and exposing the thin ground their principles rest upon.
For instance our "Political Correctness" series of articles expose the hypocrisy and double standards of Political Correctness, and how Nationalist Alternative is committed to challenging this "belief system" which many Australians wish to see gone.
Often after a new article is published many enquiries are made, not all from supporters but interested citizens who are intrigued by something different to what their daily newspaper/tv/magazine/classroom is telling them. There will be a lengthy to and fro by email followed by a meeting in person and a request to add them to future mail-outs.
The second category is our face to face meetings, regular socials, exchanging of work opportunities, business/trade/professional contacts and arranging/supporting platforms for events where nationalist speakers (international/national) can create a powerful network of pro Australian people who are keen to leverage off each others skills, competencies and strengths.