by Jim Osborne
The flailing Fairfax media empire has caught the interest of
billionaire mining heiress Gina Rinehart. A woman who had the financial
acumen of choosing Lang Hancock as a father, the kind of smart decision
making which many think makes one worthy of the wealth of ten thousand
The worlds richest woman has purchased to date 18.67% of Fairfax, but
has not yet been granted a position on the board. The purchase may not
make financial sense to some as Fairfax has not been all that remarkably
successful. Many are wondering why Gina might purchase a share in a
poor performing company, specialising in printed news, which is
worldwide having its readership move to online sources. As Gina already
has more money than she could ever want, thanks to the Capitalist
systems proclivity in rewarding handsomely those who already have a lot
of money and have made it through inheritance, it seems clear it is
about power. A fact that many pundits seem to fail to grasp. Wealth is
nothing more than a tool to gain power. It is power, not wealth, which
drives the like Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch. It is power which makes
those already wealthy buy up more of the planet and bleed it dry. It is
the struggle for power which is the true nature of the class war, a
point lost on the Occupy movement who couldn’t see anything other than
money as the player. This, one might add, is the same myopia which
afflicts libertarian free marketeers.
The potential for this billionaire mining magnate to have influence
over the content of newspapers like The Age has gotten some Australians
in a huff and given them some mild anxiety about the future of the media
landscape in Australia. Many are expressing concern that newspapers
such as The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald will express a point of
view which is somewhat more sympathetic to the needs of billionaire
miners. This, they claim, will sully the quality of journalism,
influence the public and degrade the quality public debate. They are
worried that a pro-mining message will emerge within the printed words
of the broadsheet, which is in reality a concern that the media will be
more sympathetic to the needs of Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer. Most
confusing of all, is they claim this will be a big win for “the right”.
This author thinks that many simply think the business interests of the
obscenely wealthy equates with ‘right wing’ politics, a simplistic and
erroneous. They equivocate between the wealthy plutocrats and grass
roots people politics fighting Liberalisms globalisation.
So is the concern that a bias will be introduced, or that the bias
which will be introduced will be one of benefit to the hyper-capitalist
class? The reality is a bit of both but as we shall see, the concern
which seems to largely come from Liberal circles is misplaced and
perhaps a little hypocritical.
Mainstream media has been attacked by the Left for some period of
time, largely due to their unwillingness to swing towards turning into
another “Green Left Weekly”. The Liberal left ARE the establishment, and
it is the integrity of the establishment which they seek to protect
using the outdated hippy era rhetoric of infantile scaremongering,
muck-racking and hyperbole.
Every political activist, particularly Nationalist activists like us
will be more than aware of the established media’s willingness to resort
to sensation, slander, lies and the cheapest and lowest of
below-the-belt hits in order to draw the attention of the roving eyes of
the members of the peanut gallery. This is the mainstream media, and
whether it is owned by Billionaire Tyrant Murdoch,
back-of-the-truck-protesting Gina Rinehart or collectively by thousands
of aspirational working class investors makes little difference. Yet we
are now seeing some efforts to get the community to save Fairfax, with
the belief that this will keep it independent. There quite simply is no
independent media organisation in existence. There can only be
independent forms of media.
There are some Left wing Liberals who sincerely believe that
newspapers such as “The Age” are independent, and somehow stand in
opposition to “right wing” rear-end rags such as the Herald Sun.
Firstly, this belief in independence demonstrates that the far left
doesn’t see itself as a political ideology, but as the natural end
result of rational thought. Any other political opinion is treated as an
aberration, a deviation from rational thought. The far left seem to
believe, is the result of an objective, rational mind, hence why they do
not consider a newspaper like “The Age” to be biased, but
Of course in order to believe this, we have to believe that somehow
one mainstream newspaper, run as big-business for shareholders is
somehow fundamentally and elementally different to another mainstream
newspaper run as big-business for shareholders. We also have to believe
that by pure circumstance, those who run News Limited push a “right
wing” bias into their media streams such as the Herald Sun (there is no
doubt that News Limited push an agenda), but Fairfax is devoid of such
bias, is open and independent and would just as likely publish a
commentary stating why the White people need to abandon multi-racialism
in order to preserve their racial heritage as it would a commentary in
support of gay marriage.
We all know that some of Murdoch’s biggest critics, such as the
ex-Greens leader Bob Brown have no qualms at all, and have publicly
advocated for, suppressing particular points of view which they believe
don’t have a place in our society. Most of the far left seem to agree
that opinions which they consider against their political grain are not
valid opinions, and therefore not worthy of considering or
dissemination. One only needs to read online debates about gay marriage
to see how frequently and readily supporters of gay marriage flatly
state that opponents of gay marriage have opinions which should not be
considered valid. As if an ‘opinion’ could be classed as valid or
What we have here is hypocrisy of the worst type. Hypocrisy created
by willing blindness. The denial of bias on the Liberal side of politics
has convinced them that they are truly independent, and therefore being
independent, the most suitable media for the country to consume and
engage in its national debates by. They are hypocritical in attacking
ownership of papers by a few for the sake of avoiding political bias,
but in having no issue when a paper, such as “Green Left Weekly” puts
forward its own political bias.
In addition to this, there are the usual comments about how rich
people should be prevented from buying up media. While this author is
not the fervent defender of the wealthy that the “right wing” is
supposed to be, one cannot help but see a degenerate form of class
warfare in such a sentiment. What is it about someone who is wealthy,
which makes them unsuitable to have control over media? Do poorer people
make more suitable candidates for media ownership? We witness more
abuse of the media by the wealthy, because it is only the
extraordinarily wealthy who can afford to buy a large enough share of
mainstream media to influence it, and there is no room for small time
players to make it. The middle class and other workers simply can’t, so
we simply don’t SEE what they would do should they have power.
But one cannot suggest that somehow the rich have an evil agenda, and
poorer ‘indy’ media folk are honest and more trustworthy. There is no
doubt, from this authors personal experience, that the proclivity to
bias the media, to silence opinion, ostracise others and push an agenda
is one that is unrelated to wealth. Dare I say that Gina Rinehart may be
less of a threat to freedom of speech that many of the far left who
consider themselves somehow morally superior to her. There is no basis
to suggest that media in the hands of poorer people, or struggling
students is somehow fairer than media in the hands of the rich. It is
not control of media by the rich which is the issue, but centralised
control, by anyone, INCLUDING those on the other side of the ‘class war’
which is the issue. Our capitalist system simply makes it easy for
someone who has wealth, to hoard greater amounts of wealth, and the
intermarriage between the capitalist system and our political system
naturally creates a plutocracy which overrides the democratic
machinations and the will of the nation. We have a system where the
future of the nation is dictated by very large business interests. Not
the business interests of the small corner store proprietor, the self
employed and of the small to medium business who power the bulk of our
economy, but of the very few people who are wealthy enough to afford the
attention of and the service of the prostitutes in our government.
The press has been a whore for many years now, so this development
with Gina’s takeover is neither a novel development nor a shift in our
national media landscape. The mainstream media lost credibility a long
time ago and there is no independent or bias free mainstream media left
any more to defend. Whether this mining billionaire gets her control or
not is rather irrelevant to us. It is indeed a sad reflection of how our
national debate is controlled and bought but the issue isn’t that a
wealthy person is exercising their right to buy the company but that our
socio-economic system makes this an inevitability. People may try to
‘stop’ her, but Gina is not the problem. Our system, which allows and
condones and financially rewards this behaviour is the problem. Our
issue is not with Gina, but the economic and political model in which
this is ‘standard business’. Here is where the potential for corruption
lies. Here is where the doors are flung wide open to centralised
ownership of the media for business purposes. Here is where our
battlefield to regain ownership of our own nation is. In changing the
political system to protect the interests of the nation.
The Labor party may be upset that Gina is making this move, but Labor
would never challenge the sacred cow that is the centralist capitalist
system. We have a government which is committed to vocalising its
opposition to the behaviour of corporations and plutocrats, but will
defend the system which permits and encourages this behaviour. We have
in government slaves who sing loudly about freedom while fighting
against the nation for their masters.
It’s too late now and instead we should be looking towards
alternative media. The Internet provides a technology which allows for
true freedom of speech, despite efforts by some to centralise and
control information, such as Zuckerburgs Farcebook. This is a freedom of
speech that worries many, as it allows people to express opinions that
don’t believe are valid, such as ours.