by Jim Osborne
In Ancient Greece, a philosopher by the name of Diogenes, a man who
lived a simple life of privation and humbleness, would roam the streets
searching with a lantern. When asked what he was looking for, he would
reply “I am looking for a man”. Instead of finding a man, he found
scoundrels and fops, men living a life of decadence. In Corinth, he met
Alexander the Great. Alexander, thrilled to meet Diogenes asked if there
was any favour he could do for him, to which Diogenes replied “Yes,
stand out of my sunlight”. Alexander retorted with “If I were not
Alexander, then I should wish to be Diogenes”, to which Diogenes replied
“If I were not Diogenes, I should also wish to be Diogenes.” Diogenes
never found a man, being the cynic that he was, quite literally. But was
there a man to be found? Even back then when Western civilization was
exercising a youthful, outward exuberance? Is there a man to be found
today? What is it that makes a man? Bravado and testosterone? Money and
influence? Can one answer the question, if one doesn’t understand what
it is to be human in the first place?
Two thousand and four hundred years later, some are still looking for
a man. As I travel down the packed roads towards my place of
employment, sandwiched and trapped among a sea of mobile metal coffins
with cadavers at the wheel, I struggle to see humans, or a humanity. As
the obstacles block them on the road, they dutifully veer around them,
seemingly unaware of any inconvenience, uncaring of the failure of the
system to provide workable roads. Their reaction is that of a line of
ants when one places their finger in the ants path. They just go around,
without any consciousness of regard that they may alter their
environment as they see fit. In each auto-mobile is a shell of a person,
with an expression of defeat, or at least an expression which one could
perceive to be that of a defeated person. Each person shuffles off,
trapped, to the same job, the same cubicle, to work as a debt slave in
the vain hope they might own any piece of Australia. Few do. Few have
any ownership over their lot in this country, or their fate, or their
city. Looking at them, it’s hard to see them having any connection with
their city. As I arrive at work, I see the the people as they appear in
cars, but instead of a shell of sea and glass, gasoline and airbags,
they have a shell composed of the metal and fabrics of the cubicle wall.
They appear nevertheless the same, without ownership of their fate.
Agents of a system, rather than agents of their own inner nature.
There are a lot of definitions of what it means to be human but they
are almost all, with very, very few exceptions sentimental meaningless
pap. Feel good nonsense for the mushy-headed modern weakling. It is not
‘tolerance’, or ‘compassion’ or anything like that. Being human means
being a living thing. Being a living thing means being a function of
life itself. Life is about an individual will, about shaping your
surrounding and shaping existence itself to serve your will. Life isn’t
just about existing and functioning. Machines and tools can take care of
themselves, run themselves and repair themselves. Life is about one
choosing to do this, for their own purposes. Only a living thing has the
will and the means to use that will, to own their existence and use
their power to fulfil their will. There are few people throughout
history who have acknowledged this. Nietzsche spoke of the will to
power, the instinct to grow and expand, to exert ones influence over the
environment. This was to Nietzsche not just an ideal, but the prime
function of life. For man, the goal was the Übermensch, the man who can
overcome the nihilism of a world without God, without supernatural or
imposed values from above, who can create his own values from his own
will. Ayn Rand spoke of the human spirit, and of people living for
themselves, their fate in their own hands. In contrast to the Socialist
and Communists of the day, who were not much unlike the Communists of
today, she encouraged people to value entrepreneurship, to hold as
moral, those who used their skills and their means to further their
life. We don’t see such ideals today. Even modern Capitalists, who think
of themselves as being in the image of Ayn Rand’s individualist
fictional dynamo, John Galt, seem to not care about elevating the minds
of people, but rather keeping people as sheep, as a resource to profit
from. Modern day Capitalism is degenerate, and now asks of us what
Communism asked of us. Subservience to a system, being perpetually
indebted and perpetually owned.
Communism, or Socialism don’t offer life at all, only subservience
and slavery. Socialism is perhaps one of the most hostile ideologies to
the spirit of life. It seeks to destroy any individuality, any self
interest which is the basis for life and turn humans into nothing more
than tools to make a bureaucratically controlled economic system work.
Nothing outside of the system can exist. No religion, no family, no
nation or identity. Socialism and Communism fear life and nature, and
hence seek to destroy it, define it out of existence. Political
Correctness, which is “Marxism for the West” abounds with examples. In
Political Correctness, there is no room for humour, for danger, for
risk, for anger or ‘inappropriate’ behaviour. The sour Politically
Correct stewards seem to want to suppress all of the exuberance of life,
all conflict, all human need which conflicts with the one true goal.
For them, there is no room for humour which may offend, no room for the
giddy thrill of danger, no room for life according to ones inner nature.
We are to be kept safe, free from danger, from the risk involved in
living, from the compromise of lifespan that comes with using ones body
to experience, and especially, free form the conflicts that come with
living, and the raw, sometimes brutal, reality of nature. The system
asks us not to live, but to exist. The system asks us not to enrich
ourselves with the experiences of taking part in the cosmic struggle and
living according to our inherited, natural will, but to enrich
ourselves with pointless consumerism and imposed fads, for the benefit
of others. We are to act as agents, not of our own will, but of the
economy. We are to spend to keep another man rich. Consume to keep
another man employed. Go into debt to keep the money masters mastery
over us. Capitalism now demands from us what Communism demanded,
subservience and self regulation. The natural demands of any system
which seeks mastery over others, regardless of its intended purpose.
It is perhaps for these reasons which Nationalists are most reviled
by the system. Nationalists stand apart from the dogmatism handed down
from above. Nationalists have no desire to cage the blonde beast within,
for the sake of the harmony and peace that comes from accepting death.
We are men, and women, who take heed of the call of life that comes from
within us. We seek our right to the shelter and wealth that we have
created and boldly stake our claim, in the face of opposing claims.
Those who truly have ownership over their life on this planet would
fight against a system pricing them out of homes they work long hours to
try and afford. Contrast this with those who accept being denied a
space on this planet, who have chosen to surrender their natural
connection with the earth, and accepting a state of non-life. We seek to
preserve our race, our heritage and consider our right, our duty to
ourselves and what we are, to protect this from those who seek to claim
ownership over our identity, and destroy it through genocide by
demographic engineering. Contract this with those who accept the
extinction of their race, their likeness from humankind, who have chosen
to forsake their natural connection with the future, forfeiting their
natural right to self preservation, an act of suicide, an act against
life itself. We seek to speak, to offend if need be, and if necessary
turn the moral order of our society upside down, to impose our values
which exist for our benefit and supplant the current morality, without
fear or regret. Contrast this with those who bow to the morality of the
day, who do not posses the inner spirit, who consider one man’s morality
for their benefit as being above their own, a person who has given up
the right to live to their own natural law.
It is this which scares people. The fear of racism, of offence is
part a fear of upsetting the economic machine, which required racial
tolerance in order to demographically engineer society for the profit of
a few, but also a fear of the every-man, a fear of the unknown man and
women pressing their will upon humanity, a fear of ferocity that can
come when life exerts a will to power. The force that they fear and call
racism, is especially despised because it is a natural, primal
response, which originates further back in history than Liberal
Democracy, and from deeper within ones psyche than indoctrinated
behaviour. This, along with natalism, self defence and the right to bear
arms, violence against attackers, identification with family and nation
are especially feared, because they represent some of the deepest, most
instinctual, and therefore the most powerful and energetic human
emotions. They are feared because they are beyond the control of the
system, outside the scope of the current world view and therefore beyond
many peoples understanding or comprehension. As whites are pushed
further and further to the wall, the fear the system has, and subsequent
control over us will escalate. As the existential threat against us
becomes more and more evident and more and more evidently unavoidable,
the system and its Liberal priests will fear more and more the primal
inner life forces, which deal with life and death, existence and non
existence, the securing of a future for ones own children, exertion of
ones will and mastery of ones environment with ones full life force.
These may in some people come more and more to the fore. This is
dangerous indeed, as it will reintroduce to the dulled and disinherited
masses a taste for life. It will trigger hitherto dormant memories of
protecting ones family, children, tribe and nation and freedom. It may
awaken something inside us, which is beyond the control of a weak and
fragile system, which has no stomach for this. It may awaken memories of
times gone past when civilisation was more in tune with our nature, and
when these hidden and suppressed aspects of our personality were
recognised, accommodated for and formed part of the cultural narrative.
From this, we will see more real men, and more real women.
Nationalism isn’t just patriotism. It is the belief that our living
nature defines our position in humankind and our nation more than a
system of words or a bureaucracy controlled by another man. It is the
acceptance of the supremacy of nature over the intellectual. It is the
acceptance of the inner will in each living thing being a higher moral
law than the thoughts and opinions of another. It is the acceptance that
ones own desire, ones own vision of progress takes precedence over a
concocted political, social or economic ideology. It is the belief that
the true progression of a nation lies in the free and open collective
choices of the nation, with the nation and the nation alone, defining it
own success based on their desired quality of life. That progress is
not defined by a script for how humanity should run according to a
theorist, with success defined in stark economic or technical terms
which are more often in working to increase a score, which scores
nothing related to life itself.
Such a leap is not easy to make which is why many choose to go to
‘safe organisations’, such as the pseudo-Nationalist “civic patriots”,
or inoffensive organisations such as those which signed the Jerusalem
declaration, or mainstream parties which openly and unashamedly sell out
the people. For as long as people stick to these ineffectual
organisations in a vain attempt to placate their gnawing inner sense
that their identity is under threat, they will never be challenged, nor
have to deal with the emotions and feelings that come from being a human
as nature created. They will also never succeed, and will inevitably
face extinction, and any being does when it forfeits its struggle for
continuation. As long as they believe that can work for themselves with
another person defining what their life should be, they will never have
to confront the ugly fact that they are forfeiting their natural rights
willingly, for nothing. The system shelters them from the true nature of
reality, with that reality being that our life isn’t to work through
human devised processes with greater and greater efficiency and
effectiveness, but sometimes to step out and deal with the harsh reality
of natural law.
And it is this which makes you a man or makes you a woman. To stand
on the earth and to be aware of the full nature of your existence and
all the challenges and struggles that this brings, and to accept it and
live according to your own nature, whatever that may be. To stand up and
dispense of the false shame of putting your own well being and wishes
above the manufactured sensibilities of others, and affirm, without
shame or pity, your own will. To be honest with yourself and honour your
instincts and your will. To know thyself.