[editors note: Nationalist Alternative are presenting two articles from two of our regular contributors, who each have a unique analysis of the recent Muslim rioting in Sydney and around the world.]
The clash of civilisations saw a front briefly open up in Sydney when Muslims rioted in response to a video posted on the Internet entitled “Innocence of Muslims”. This isn’t the first, and definitely won’t be the last time, when more militant Muslims have taken to violence and death threats in response to perceived blasphemy. Whether it is this video or depictions of their prophet Mohammed is it becoming clear to the naïve west, as it has been clear and well understood that the Islamic presence can be an explosive and potent force. All any anti-Islam activist needs to do, to portray Muslims in a bad light, is make a cheap video or cartoon, and watch the inevitable response. Seeing Muslims holding banners demanding that we are beheaded that they have created themselves, is the most potent anti-islamic image that anyone can bear witness to.
There is little need to dwell on the issues that Islamic immigration has brought into the Western world. Anyone who has been to Europe of the UK, or is familiar with the ins and out of “multiculturalism” there would be well aware of these issues. There is little doubt that Australians having witnessed the rioting in Sydney and around the world sparked by anger over what is an obscure video, have come to, or are being led to some particular conclusions of their own. No doubt that there is an increasing number of Australians who are thinking “We accepted multiculturalism for this? We are giving up our cultural heritage for this?”. Some patriot organisations may wish to use this opportunity to extol the dangers of Islam, to use this to smear Muslims, but in my opinion Australians are smarter than many people give them credit for and don’t need to be told what to think or how to perceive this event. This is an indication that multiculturalism may NOT work, and the question, the dilemma which White Westerners are facing now, is could very well be “what do we do if multiculturalism fails?”.
The left disagree that Australians are astute enough to determine what is good for them. Bob Brown, the former leader of the Greens himself stated that issues about Islam should not be discussed. Liberals are quick to go to damage control. The media is abuzz with the obligatory articles about how multiculturalism still works, that we should ignore this and not be concerned. One such article has appeared in The Age, titled “The Incredible Muslim Hulk proves to be no friend of Islam either”i. The article, written by Waleed Aly is the standard, obligatory response to these obvious failures of multiculturalism, such as this riot, or any race riot which is now a permanent feature in many Western nations. We all are aware of the arguments. Disaffected “youths”. They are humiliated and disenfranchised. The West has not dealt with them tactfully. Racism and oppression from whites.
Waleeds article covers these same, prefabricated talking points and as such, isn’t anything original. Waleed writes about how the protesters seem to only know that they feel offended;
“That, you see, is all that matters. This isn’t about a film. It’s about an excuse. We know because we’ve seen it all before, like when Pakistani protesters vandalised American fast food outlets and burnt effigies of President George W. Bush in response to the Danish cartoons.”he continues
“This is the behaviour of a drunkenly humiliated people: swinging wildly with the hope of landing a blow, any blow, somewhere, anywhere. There’s nothing strategic or calculated about this.”This may be true, but it is beside the point. Muslims cannot claim to have a monopoly on humiliation. They are not the only group of people on this planet who are humiliated and disenfranchised. There are few people on this planet who aren’t in some way or another without legitimate greivances. White working Australians also no doubt feel humiliated by having a government which blatantly disregards their interests and which treats them as criminals by bringing in draconian big brother laws. Do we not also have claim to “swing wildly” when we are told that because we are white we are the “cancer of humanity”, that we must “be abolished”? Do not the Tibetans have a grievance? The Serbians? The Cypriots? The Palestinians?
Waleed talks about some of these grievances, caused by whites, of course…
“Everything, global and local, can be thrown into this vortex: Swiss minaret bans, French niqab bans, military invasions, drone strikes, racist stereotyping, anti-immigrant politics…”Waleed criticizes, but doesn’t quite condemn. The Liberal left simply wont, and we won’t see and absolulte condemnation from the Muslim community either. No real condemnation. No real action. Just ‘tut-tut-ing’, which will then be forgotten. Even now as I type this article, on the ABC’s Q&A they are talking about how the Police could have handled the issue better, that its just testosterone and disaffection and ‘recreational anger’. This isn’t condemnation, this is deflection, damage control. This isn’t speaking against it. This is trying to cover it up, get people to move on, to disregard it. Just a feel good get together, to confirm to each other that multiculturalism is still worthy, that the ideals it was founded upon are still valid and true. Australians wouldn’t be treated with such understanding, if there was another Cronulla style, or even if they made Politically Incorrect remarks.
Many will say these people are not representative of the majority of Muslims, and this is most definitely true. They are not. Most Muslims in Australia are just ordinary seeming folk, who, like most other people in this country, would work, take care of themselves, their family and household and go about their own business, with no real political action on their behalf, aside from voting every few years for an established party. But this statement, that they are not the majority while may be true, is meaningless. It is rarely the majority of people who shape politics. When the American Revolution occurred, most Americans were not involved. The war of independence was fought by a minority, who shaped the future. The counter culture revolution, again, changed our society, but this was a minority. Hippies and screaming Liberals never were the majority, never were representative of the middle class at large. Christians who influence the government are always a minority. While rioting Muslims may be a minority, they are nevertheless powerful enough to cause the west to self-sensor, to stop us from discussing issues important to us. This is political power, and it is always exercised by a groups minority. This is something which we must understand, that even though these rioters will always remain a minority, a small active minority is all that is needed to exercise great political power. Even today, this multi-racialist social engineering experiment which we are being subjected to, was concocted, implemented and enforced by a minority.
And what of the majority? Would Muslims disown these rioters? These rioters where defending their faith against blasphemy, and what Muslim would tolerate blasphemy against their core beliefs? They may dislike the measures taken by these rioters, no doubt, but I don’t think many Muslims would disagree with why they rioted. How can we expect Muslims to turn against people, who could be their brothers, cousins, husbands, sons and nephews? Do Liberals really expect Muslims to turn against their own? Do Muslims really care so much for Liberalism? Watching these multiculturalists on the television, this author gets the clear impression that they are waiting, hoping that one day, these disparate, diverse groups will drop their differences and embrace fey Liberalism. Unfortunately, should this not happen, we are restricted due to Political Correctness, to discuss how to deal with this issue should these whimsical dreams not materialise.