By Jim Osborne.
Joe Hockey has called for an end to the age of entitlements in
Australia recently on the Lateline television show. He was on Lateline
discussing a speech he gave in London, where he both boasted about
Australia’s financial position and simultaneously spoke of the need for
Australia to “compete” with our geographic neighbours, thereby cementing
his position in the struggle to maintain our way of life in the camp
which wishes to sell it. Mr Hockey warned that the Liberal party will
be looking aunt the whole range of entitlements, but after some quizzing
from Tony Jones, it became apparent of Joe Hockeys prevarication
regarding middle and upper class welfare, such as the private health
insurance rebate for higher salaried people, that the Liberals costly
vote buying “wealth-fare” would remain. His sights were set on
pensions, on raising the retirement age, on “entitlements” which provide
a safety net, save people from becoming homeless and destitute and
support people who are disabled or who are required to look after people
who are disabled.i
Hockey then hold of Asia, of all places, as a model which we should be
looking towards, holding in hold regards Confucianist ideas on Filial
Piety. Hockey says “Entitlement is a concept that corrodes the very
heart of the process of free enterprise that drives our economies.”.
Australia’s public social spending of 16% of GDP and by no means the
highest in the OECD.ii
It is difficult to see what Hockey’s problem is, considering that
Australia was able to build a surplus with more or less, our current
welfare system.
Is Hockey really attacking our entitlements? Hockey says that he was
“shocked to hear that one of the policy promises of one of the main
French Presidential Election candidates, François Hollande, is to bring
the official retirement age back down to 60 from 62.”. With regards to
our expenditure he says “Other countries get by with much less. Korea
only spends 10% of GDP on public social expenditure with Australia at
16% of GDP, the USA at 20% and the United Kingdom at 23%.”. We can see
immediately that countries such as Sweden, Germany and Denmark also
maintain higher levels of social expenditure. Hockey is pulling out
failing economies such as the USA and blaming their issues on
entitlements, whilst ignoring other countries which are economically
well off, but has similar or even higher levels of public social
expenditure, such as Australia.
The real issue is here perhaps isn’t one of expenditure, for if he
was truly concerned about expenditure and representing the Australian
people, then tax dollars going to those who don’t need it would be
targeted before those tax dollars going to those who do. We would expect
the negative gearing to go first. A tax benefit to subsidise poor
property investment choices by amateur property speculators. But
despite being all for “Free Markets”, and therefore against socialist
support to pay for losses for private investment ventures, the Liberals
(and Labor) are silent on this, arguing that this “Free Market” requires
government funds to operate. We would expect handouts to private
business to be cut, but this seems unlikely. Hockey had little to say
for the obscenely wasteful “nannies for mansions” plan of Abbott, or
paying a rate of $75,000 per annum for an upper income earner to take
maternity leave. What the issue here is one of expectation, of
Australia’s future as an Asian nation.
Hockey called upon our Asian geographic neighbours as an example and
clearly indicated that his vision of Australia is along the admittedly
sometimes brutal Asian model. He is not alone, as recent activity by
the ANZ bank and statements by other technocrats and politicians have
suggested. The never ending discussion of “The Asian Century” by
business “leaders” and other technocrats and the need for us to
“compete” with Asia has more to do with modelling our nations on a
social order which is more amenable to plutocrats than it is to do with
advancing our own civilisation. The issue with outsourcing is really
one to do with the relatively low value of Asian labour, which is in
turn, related to the relatively lower quality of life that many Asian
nations offer. When they talk of “Asia”, you can rest assured that they
are talking of China, of mainland Asia and South East Asia and India,
not so much Japan which is perhaps the most Westernised. We are told
that they are geographically our “neighbours”, and therefore our future
is tied up with Asia, but considering that cities like Berlin or Athens
are roughly about as far from Shanghai as Melbourne is, it hard to see
how Australia is tied up with Asia at all, considering that Europe,
which is not considering converting itself to an Asian nation is
actually more accessible to China and India.
What Hockey is pitching here is a social condition which our corporate masters desire. One of abundant, cheap
and subservient labour. One where the cost of maintaining a first
world existence and the comfort and dignity that this brings to the
human conditions is stricken from their expenses and most of all, one
where the “Free Market” rules for rank and file citizens, but
“Socialist” support and favours are offered to the few who need them the
least. It is hard to see how Hockey can make such statements without
himself considering the absurdity of his words. The European nations
who are burdened with debt, much like the USA or Australia, which is
burdened with one of the higher private debt to GDP ratios on
the world are still nevertheless the envy of the world. Despite these
Asian countries being held as a model of the future, the irrefutable
fact is that the number of people seeking to leave these nations to move
towards Europe, the USA, Canada or Australia is markedly higher than
the number of people who want to leave the west to go to Asia to partake
in their ‘superior’ lifestyle.
The Asian model just doesn’t work the way we would like in Australia,
and the masses of Asians who wish to leave these countries to move here
is the most compelling proof there is. The debt burdens which the
western nations share are not due to individual and different
circumstances, but more to do with the one over arching commonality
between them all, a monetary system based on debt, profligate lending
practices and a vicious circle consumer driven growth mentality.
The Sale of the Century
What is really at the heart of the matter is that there are elements
within our society, exemplified by Hockey’s speech, who do not wish to
bear the cost of maintaining our civilisation. The inherit value in the
societies that Anglo/Europeans have created for themselves is being
sold off, and we are not to receive any of the proceeds of that sale.
The fact of the matter is, even in economically crippled Greece,
children are not trawling through garbage to survive and those who are
unemployed can still generally keep a basic standard of living which we
would consider liveable, even if it means that landlords allow tenants
to live rent free, a growing practice there. White Western nations
simply maintain a high standard of living, which results in higher
costs, a cost which people who live within these nations are generally
happy to bear, provided that the expenses of maintaining such a nation
are handled competently, a rare event these days. But to our
multinationals, our corporations and technocrats, this lifestyle is seen
purely in financial terms, and when viewed purely in financial terms,
it is more expensive and therefore cuts into profits. So these
institutions without borders and without loyalties see the benefit from
selling this lifestyle which we have built and created from ourselves,
to a lower cost, cheaper and less desirable one. Of course, we do not
expect Joe Hockey or any of the Liberal’s business mates to offer to
lower their standard of living. We would not expect government
subsidies to the mining industry such as diesel rebates to disappear any
time soon, or for a mining tax to be brought in to fund the advance of
our nation.
We are not competing with Asia directly, but rather having to
‘compete’ in order to satisfy the requirements of business owners, who
have no loyalty at all to the nations which provide them the standard of
living they seek to buy with their wealth. An Australian worker
doesn’t “lose” his job, but more accurately, someone in upper management
decides to offshore the job, even if employment in Australia is still
profitable for the business, as it often is. When the ANZ offshore jobs
and make record profits, they are not off shoring because business
isn’t viable here, for if business in Australia wasn’t viable they
wouldn’t be making profits. But they are. Off shoring means GREATER
profits, which Australians can only provide by reducing their standard
of living to one that is envied by no one.
There is truth that there is an entitlement mentality, but we can see
that mentality not just in pensioners, carers and the unemployed, but
in speculative investors who demand that we burden and pay for
population growth through immigration to build their market, through
government hand outs and bail outs to support failing business and other
subsidies. We see that entitlement mentality in CEO’s who believe that
are entitled to cheaper labour and to circumvent taxes.
Our entitlement system is broken, not because we have one, but
because our politicians have used it to buy votes, because the very same
politicians who spout the virtues of the free market and self
responsibility are more than eager to give money to those who supposedly
practice this, quite a contradiction.
What Welfare is for
Welfare is distinct from entitlements, a subtlety that has evaded
Hockey. Welfare is a cost borne by society in order to provide a
minimum standard of living, a safety net. Welfare is what stops our
citizens who have been subject to misfortune having to watch or join
their children scavenge through the tip to earn a living, as witnessed
in the nations which Hockey wants us to follow. Welfare ensures that
our fellow citizens do not need to die from preventable medical causes,
starve to death or die from exposure. It provides a basic standard of
living suitable for a civilised white society for those who due to
circumstances beyond their control are currently not able to finance
it. Welfare or course, should be the exception and not the rule. We do
this, not because people are entitled to a free ride, but because it is
better for us all to have people be able to feed themselves in
exceptional circumstances, than have to rob or steal from us to live.
Because it is better for us to live without the social problems that
people who slip through the cracks can form
Entitlements are a different beast altogether, being that which
people believe they are entitled to, because of their virtues or
actions. Those entitlements which are earned are fair enough, but we
are referring to unearned entitlements. That being a paid nanny, tax
subsidies for property speculation, tax breaks for corporate
entertainment and parliamentary bonuses and quirks.