The brutal attack of the 25 year old solder Lee Rigby in Woolwich on the 22nd of May was shocking, but not simply for the brutal nature of the attack, where a man is hacked to death and beheaded in broad daylight. This is shocking in itself, but was quite surprising, to this author at least, was the brazen and open nature of the attackers. The attackers, both of Nigerian descent but born in London conducted this crime with a disturbing sense of audacity and openness. The attackers upon seeing Mr Rigby in the street wearing a “Help for Heroes” T-Shirt, hit him with their Vauxhall and then set upon him and hacked him to death. The crime was conducted in broad daylight, in full view of others and on camera. After the attack, the murderers remained on the scene, speaking to people and declaring that they wanted to start a war.
One of the assailants made the following speech to someone capturing the event on video.

“The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers, and this British soldier is one, is a eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. By Allah, we swear by the Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone. So what if we want to live by the Sharia in Muslim lands. Why does that mean you must follow us and chase us and call us extremists and kill us? Rather you lot are extreme. You are the ones. When you drop a bomb, do you think it hits one person or rather your bomb wipes out a whole family. This is the reality. By Allah, if I saw your mother today with a buggy I would help her up the stairs. This is my nature. But we are forced by the Qur’an in Sura at-Tawba [Chapter 9 of the Qur'an], through many, many ayah [verses] throughout the Qur’an that [say] we must fight them as they fight us, a eye for a eye and a tooth for a tooth. I apologise that women had to witness this today, but in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your governments. They don’t care about you. Do you think David Cameron is gonna get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? Do you think the politicians are going to die? No it’s going to be the average guy, like you, and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so we ca.., so you can all live in peace. Leave our lands and you will live in peace. That’s all I have to say. Allah’s peace and blessings be upon Muhammad.” i
This is not the first time, that supposedly “British” citizens have turned against Briton in the name of Islam. Of four bombers responsible for the 7/7 London Bombings in 2005, all four were citizens with three of them being born in England. The 2008 Exeter attempted bombing was also planned by a British born Muslim as well as the members busted planning a more recent attempt in England. Just days after the Woolwich slaying, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight PK709 was threatened by two British nationals, with fighter jets being scrambled to what was appearing to be a potential hijacking. The newspapers call these men British, but their loyalty was clearly not to Britain. Nick Griffin, who predicted prior to the 7/7 London attack that British born Muslims would end up conducting a terrorist attack was vilified for this statement, but he has been proven right, multiple times.
Each time this occurs, we are told that “This is not Islam”, “This is not representative of Muslims” and the like. Meaningless statements, because for ANY political of religious movement, it is always, always a minority of people who are responsible for how it acts, whether it be Judaism, Christianity, Socialism, Islam, Fascism or Scientology. So pointing out that the acts committed in the name of Islam against the west are exceptions proves nothing, as it is always the exceptional few which shape history and shape conflict. Even during the American war of independence, the agitation and fighting was done by a minority. The passive majority simple enable the minority.

Why were these killers so brazen? We can’t be sure, but the quoted statement above shows a level of determination and willing to fight that is foreign to most Britons. White British are set to become a minority on their Island by 2060, a little over a generation from now. White Londoners are leaving London en masse mostly due to the influx of immigrants. Politically Correct laws are enforced with zeal, and any Briton who speaks against the ethnic destruction of Britain is shouted down by masses of people who are essentially too scared to admit agreeing with them. Those who criticize Islam are denounced by the same people as an “Islamophobe”, which Jim Goad defined as “Someone so terrified of Islamic retribution, they’re afraid to say anything bad about Islam.”. So true.
Watching the video of the attacker giving his threats against Britain, this definition seems to quite lucidly sum up Britain today. Where the police hold back investigating Pakistani rape gang for fear of being accused racist. Where an attack on an off duty solder takes place near the army barracks, and the attackers are milling around for 20 minutes before the police arrived. Why so long? Where despite the fact time and time again, that there are successful or aborted terror attempts against the British people, by people born in Britain, the Anti-White Brigade still browbeat people into accepting that they are all one, and that religion or background should not distinguish between Britons. Where a 14 year old can get held for an hour by police for not wanting to sit near Asian children at lunch, and where a 9 year old commits suicide after being bullied for being white and the parents still feel the need to express that they are ‘tolerant’.
It is sad to see a soldier hacked to death, but it is also sad to see the shrugging of shoulders and awkwardness that comes after such an event, where politicians are more interested in continuing to push the ‘diversity is good’ message than protect their nation against belligerents, and where the guilt ridden would rather allow themselves to be attacked and subjugated, than appear to be nationalist or act in their own self interest. This has been called a ‘terror’ attack, but I don’t think this, or the 7/7 London bombing are best described as acts of terror. Calling them acts of terror masks the deeper, underlying problem. These are acts of treason. These are acts, by people born in Britain, whom according to the indoctrination given to every schoolchild, is just as British as Shakespeare and Cromwell, against the British people. They are people who are not of the British nation. They can’t be. Not only are they not even European, let along British, their loyalty, first and foremost is to another nation, another idea, another people.
Why the brazenness by the attacker? I think it comes down to one fact. The British people, that is the White British people are essentially defenseless, both physically and ideologically. The British don’t know it, but all those who want to take advantage of them can. They are fighting someone who has both hands tied behind their back. They are fighting someone who will be stabbed in the back by those behind him, if he fights back.
Britain once ruled the world, but now it rolls out the red carpet to all and sundry in the world, including its enemies, and further to that, forces it citizens to accept them as brothers, despite the insanity such a situation. There was a time when the Western world, when whites would stand up for each other and fight for their nation. Now white people sit and watch their own destruction, as if it is some spectator sport. Once Britain could count on other commonwealth countries to fight for it, as Anglo nations rallied to support the motherland, now it is infested by anti-whites, who want to see the end of their own race and their own nation. Once men would march for their motherland, now those who fight for the survival of their own nation on their own soil, are targeted by their compatriots and government for ‘hate’. When you see the video of the attacker, hands bloodied holding the machete used to hack a soldier walking the street and threatening war to people with impunity and arrogance, just remember this. That in that country, the people who don’t accept such people becoming British are called ‘haters’ and ‘intolerant’ and risk prison.
If there is one picture which sums up Britain today, it’s this…
